Monday, August 24, 2020
Analyze the Sochi 2014 Olympics game,pairs figure skating,Russian Essay
Examine the Sochi 2014 Olympics game,pairs figure skating,Russian player, - Essay Example The fundamental objective of this group is to outscore its principle adversaries and rise as clear champs. The way that Russia is the hosts implies that fans will turn out in enormous numbers and bolster the group. The group has six individuals. One of them is Vera Bazarova. She is twenty-one years of age and has just contended in various occasions notwithstanding her young age. She has contended at the Olympic winter games, big showdowns, European titles and the great prix last. Vera adores perusing, cooking and going out. She is as yet an understudy who began her brandishing profession in 1997. The primary explanation that made her to begin this game was to improve her unexpected weakness. Her principle mentor is Nina Mozer. Ksenia Stolbova is another colleague. She is twenty-two years of age and has just partaken in different titles, too. She is an understudy who cherishes shopping and investing energy with companions. She started the game in 1997, too. Adage Trankov is another senior part who is thirty years of age. He has heaps of experience having contended in a few rivalries. He cherishes hip-jump music, utilizing PCs and perusing. He learned at the Moscow State University. He is familia r with English and Russian. In 2011, he harmed his shoulder while in preparing. Furthermore, he experienced growing in his correct arm at the 2008 big showdowns. Fedor Klimov is another individual from the group. He is twenty-three years of age and has partaken in different rivalries also. He adores football, sitting in front of the TV and unwinding. In 2013, he missed somewhere in the range of two and half long stretches of activity because of injury. The mentor for the group is Nina Mozer. She was conceived in 1964. The group is for the most part portrayed by both experience and physicality. The most youthful part is matured 21 while the most seasoned ages 30. The more established individuals have participated in different occasions, before. The association of the group is even, and outside impacts
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Business environment of indian entertainment industry
Business condition of indian media outlet The progression endeavors by the Indian government have brought about the rise of various parts, which offer extraordinary opportunities for Indias advancement. One such ongoing division was intelligent media and diversion, alongside data and correspondence innovations (ICTs). The amusement and intelligent media industry in India has been standing out as truly newsworthy recently, less for its effect on the household showcase, however as a chief redistributing goal for western diversion organizations. This was paper looks at the development and improvement of the intelligent media and media outlet in India. It talks about Indias position and Indias preferences in the worldwide media outlet, the difficulties that India faces in this was industry, the way forward, and open doors for universal coordinated effort in this was segment. The worldwide film and media outlet was growing quick. The Entertainment Council of Philippines appraises that the incomes from media outlet worldwide have been developing every year at 20% to 30% in the course of recent years. As per Indias National Association of Software and Services Companies (NASSCM), incomes from the worldwide media outlet will add up to US$50-US$70 billion by end-2005. Today, diversion items are progressively utilized in films, TV programs, advertisements, games and online instruction. Following Walt DISNEY 1988 creation Who Framed Roger Rabbit, overall enthusiasm for amusement highlight films has been raising. Four significant amusement motion pictures discharged in 2004 gathered record incomes. Childrens channels over the world have seen their numbers rising quickly over the most recent couple of years. Amusement items additionally have applications in the clinical, design, and legitimate fields.1 the worldwide non-diversion media outlet, remembering work fo r logical and clinical diversion, presently represents incomes worth $15 billion. Media outlet The Entertainment Industry in India however a late starter, was considered as one of the quickest developing sections of the diversion and media industry. The Entertainment Industry in India picked up essentialness as a re-appropriated goal for amusement work because of minimal effort, talented work as its numerous preferences. In the ongoing past Indian diversion organizations and amusement studios have been climbing the worth chain to make their own protected innovation rights with Hanuman, Roadside Romeo, and so forth and banding together with universal studios to create vivified properties for the worldwide crowd. Despite the fact that a dominant part of the work done by media outlets in India was re-appropriated work, this was relied upon to change later on with expanded interest from the local media outlet. This was industry can be ordered into four distinct parts: Entertainment, instruction, content turn of events and sight and sound/website composition. The diversion showcase in India was generally new contrasted with some other Asian nations. In any case, it was among the quickest developing in the Indian amusement part. With around 200 amusement studios, India has developed as a worldwide redistributing center for diversion innovation administrations. The key drivers for media outlets are the expanding household interest for amusement motion pictures and the expansion in diversion studios and preparing focuses the nation over. Which means OF PESTLE ANALYSIS P-Political E-Economical S-Social T-Technological L-Legal E-Environmental Political elements are the manner by which and to what degree a legislature mediates in the economy. In particular, political elements incorporate territories, for example, charge strategy, work law, natural law, exchange limitations, taxes, and political solidness. Political variables may likewise incorporate products and ventures which the administration needs to give or be given (merit merchandise) and those that the legislature wouldn't like to be given (fault merchandise or legitimacy bads). Besides, governments have extraordinary effect on the wellbeing, training, and framework of a country. Conservative variables incorporate monetary development, loan costs, trade rates and the swelling rate. These elements impactsly affect how organizations work and decide. For instance, financing costs influence an organizations cost of capital and in this manner to what degree a business develops and grows. Trade rates influence the expenses of sending out merchandise and the gracefully and cost of imported products in an economy Social elements incorporate the social perspectives and incorporate wellbeing awareness, populace development rate, age conveyance, vocation mentalities and accentuation on security. Patterns in social elements influence the interest for a companys items and how that organization works. For instance, a maturing populace may infer a littler and less-willing workforce (in this way expanding the expense of work). Besides, organizations may change different administration procedures to adjust to these social patterns, (for example, enlisting more seasoned specialists). Mechanical elements incorporate biological and natural viewpoints, for example, RD action, robotization, innovation motivating forces and the pace of innovative change. They can decide hindrances to passage, least proficient creation level and impact re-appropriating choices. Moreover, mechanical movements can influence costs, quality, and lead to advancement. Lawful variables incorporate separation law, buyer law, antitrust law, work law, and wellbeing and security law. These elements can influence how an organization works, its expenses, and the interest for its items. Buyer security laws are intended to guarantee reasonable rivalry and the free progression of honest data in the commercial center. These components can influence how an organization works, its expenses, and the interest for its items. Ecological components incorporate climate, atmosphere, and environmental change, which may particularly influence ventures, for example, the travel industry, cultivating, and protection. Besides, developing attention to environmental change was influencing how organizations work and the items they offerit was both making new markets and reducing or decimating existing ones. POLITICAL ANALYSIS OF ENTERTAINMENT INDUSTRY Government Support Mr. Kapil Sibal, Minister of State for Science and Technology, recognized media outlet as one of the significant division for Indias send out situated growth.10 However, contrasted with governments in different nations; endeavors by the Indian government to empower the area have been extremely insignificant. The legislature of South Korea subsidizes amusement adventures on an association baswas.11 Bangladesh has a World Bank-financed bolster program for media outlets. Conversely, there have not been numerous activities from the Indian government to advance media outlets, in any event till the previous one year. The Indian government marked co-creation arrangement with France around 20 years prior and endeavors are on to reactivate it. A bargain was marked with the Italian government, which thus sent an assignment to Goa. Endeavors are likewise on to consent to comparable arrangements with Britain, Japan, Brazil, Canada, Netherlands and China. These bargains will prompt sharing of expenses by accomplice countries and furthermore the scattering of specialized expertise among the accomplice countries. New Government Initiatives A 25-section of land Special Export Zone (SEZ) would have been built in the edges of Thiruvananthapuram only for media outlets. The trade service was said to have affirmed the production of the SEZ inside the Film and Video Park (FV Park) set up by the Kerala Industrial Infrastructure Development Corporation close Thiruvananthapuram. The state government was said to have made a 15,000 sq meters amusement office to invite diversion houses to make their bases. The FV Park made a decent beginning when the Chennai-based Prasad Labs has made it its base to process all Malayalam films for the following two years. Kerala has been putting forth attempts at intermingling in the regions of data innovation and film. The Entertainment Production Association of India as of late proposed to the Information and Broadcasting Ministry of India that all TV channels must guarantee 10% booking for neighborhood enlivened substance. The administration can additionally support ventures and interest in this division by giving tax breaks. It can give awards to Indian illustrators to investment in worldwide meeting and for taking up preparing programs abroad 2. Affordable ANALYSIS OF ENTERTAINMENT INDUSTRY Indias engaging quality as an amusement center point lies within the sight of an English-talking workforce, great programming engineers, a huge pool of innovative ability, great studios and low expenses. The expense of creating a 30-minute 3D amusement program in India was US$60,000 contrasted with US$250,000-400,000 in the United States and Canada. India has a cost advantage contrasted with the Philippines, which was another ease maker of diversions. The normal month to month pay of an amusement proficient in India was US$600 contrasted with US$1,000-US$1,200 in the Philippines. The expense of redistributing one hour of diversion work to India was assessed to be 30% to 40% of the comparing costs in driving amusement habitats in Korea, Taiwan and the Philippines. Indias favorable circumstances in low expenses have been abused by numerous global firms and creation studios. The coming of advanced diversion corresponded with the progression of the Indian economy and India offered the advantages of lower creation costs, solid inventive and specialized abilities and a huge English talking populace. This has prompted the improvement of best in class diversion studios in a few Indian urban areas, and these studios are teaming up with worldwide amusement organizations. FACTOR THAT AFFECTING THE ECONOMIC GROWTH OF ENTERTAINMENT INDUSTRY Absence of Finance Indian diversion firms can't coordinate their western cou
Monday, July 20, 2020
Penalties for Driving Drunk Are Increasingly Severe
Penalties for Driving Drunk Are Increasingly Severe Addiction Alcohol Use Drunk Driving Print Penalties for Driving Drunk Are Increasingly Severe By Buddy T facebook twitter Buddy T is an anonymous writer and founding member of the Online Al-Anon Outreach Committee with decades of experience writing about alcoholism. Learn about our editorial policy Buddy T Updated on October 13, 2019 Christopher Badzioch / Getty Images More in Addiction Alcohol Use Drunk Driving Binge Drinking Withdrawal and Relapse Children of Alcoholics Addictive Behaviors Drug Use Nicotine Use Coping and Recovery Everyday drivers are arrested for driving under the influence, or driving while intoxicated, as law enforcement agencies continue to crack down on these dangerous offenders. For many of these drivers, it will not be their first DUI offense. What fate awaits these drunk drivers? You may be surprised to find that penalties for DUI, even the first offense, have been increased since you last checked. Due to the efforts of groups like Mothers Against Drunk Drivers (MADD), hundreds of new DUI laws have been passed nationwide. Stricter Laws and Penalties for DUI All states have adopted 21 as the legal drinking age.Two-thirds of the states have now passed Administrative License Revocation (ALR) laws, which allow the arresting officer to take the license of drivers who fail or refuse to take a breath test.All states have lowered the legal blood alcohol concentration (BAC) limit from .10 to .08 percent for adults.All states have passed Zero Tolerance laws which prohibit drivers under 21 from having any measurable amount of alcohol in their blood system.Increased penalties for repeat offenders. Many state legislatures have passed laws requiring mandatory jail time for repeat DUI convictions.The fines have gotten larger, the length of license suspension has gotten longer and getting a hardship license just to go back and forth to work is getting more difficult.A push is on for ignition interlock laws for all convicted drunk drivers, and legislation has passed in several states. Facing the Consequences Although laws differ from state to state, the consequences of being charged with DUI have increased. Getting an attorney in hopes of getting a reduced sentence or pleading to a reduced charge is a waste of time and money in many states. The penalties that the judge must impose are mandated by state law. In some states, so even first offenders may be facing lengthy license suspensions and a weekend in jail. Many states have passed Habitual Violator laws, which provide felony penalties for three DUI convictions. These offenders lose many of their civil rights, like being able to vote or own a weapon, as well as losing their drivers license permanently or for many, many years. Getting Your License Back In order to get that license back, most states now require that offenders complete some form of DUI school or education and assessment program, but it has become a lot more involved than just sitting in class several hours and passing a written test. Now the offender must first go through an assessment interview with a professional counselor before it is decided what steps must be completed before the drivers license is reinstated. Typically, the offender is given a set of questions that are designed to determine the extent of his drinking problem. Assessment of Drinking Patterns In most states, the certified counselor now has the power to adjudicate the offender into Alcoholics Anonymous or a medical treatment or counseling program. The offender does not have to follow the guidelines outlined by the counselor, but its the only way he will ever regain his driving privileges. The counselor, based on his assessment of the drunk driver, can mandate attendance at as few as three or four AA meetings or, for repeat offenders, 90 meetings in 90 days, or a 28-day residential treatment program, detoxification, or other medical treatment. More Costs and Fees to Consider All of this costs time and money or both on top of the fines and probation fees the offender must pay. But that is not the only cost involved. Many states also require additional insurance coverage before returning driving privileges to DUI offenders, and that can run into serious money. Then there is the fee most states charge for re-issuing a drivers license. All totaled, a DUI conviction can be expensive, especially a second or third offense. The costs can be even greater for those who receive a DUI as the result of a traffic accident. Drivers who were drinking at the time are finding that the courts are placing more of the liability for damages on them, regardless of the circumstances of the traffic incident. On top of all these penalties, drunk driving sentences can be enhanced to even greater levels under certain circumstances. Holding Drivers Responsible The justice system is holding drunk drivers accountable for the damage they do to those who are killed or injured on the highways because the other driver was drinking. The monetary liabilities for such incidents can run into the millions, not to mention the criminal penalties. In some areas, part of the DUI school curriculum puts offenders face to face with victims, who tell their painful stories of how a drunk driver changed their lives forever. The idea is that personalizing the pain that drinking and driving can cause might make the offender stop and think before getting behind the wheel. Simply stated, society is trying to emphasize that drinking and driving are unacceptable and will not be tolerated.
Thursday, May 21, 2020
A Grounded Identidad Making New Lives Essay - 1641 Words
Itzel Soto Lals 277 December 2, 2016 Final Paper A Grounded Identidad: Making New Lives in Chicagoââ¬â¢s Puerto Rican neighborhoods, by Merida M. Rua focuses on the history of Puerto Rican communities in Chicago. This captures an analysis between the memory and the history to comprehend Puerto Ricans in the essence of the way they lived in Chicago. The focus on the different communities causes a touch on many different topics like for example, gentrification, family and the community. This causes each piece to be looked as how it can affect gender, class, or race. The author, Merida M. Rua gives the reader a well understanding of what it is like to be a Puerto Rican in a Chicago neighborhood. Rua represents herself as an ethnographer where she uses archival research. Even though the Puerto Rican individuals come to the United States for a better living, it is not what they imagine. The individuals living in these minority neighborhoods causes them to face many complications and problems due to poverty and especially where dislocation keeps occurring in each situation. These conditions are just the beginning and what Rua explains is that it is not something that is under the hands of the Puerto Ricans because they donââ¬â¢t have the control to change it. This book relates the significance of identity and how it is shaped. Destination is also an important aspect to reflect upon because of the fact of living in the same place for a year. These Puerto Rican individuals are atShow MoreRelatedRacism and Ethnic Discrimination44667 Words à |à 179 PagesCoast Development of a normative juridical framework Advances in the establishment of public policies and structural transformations of the State Construction of intercultural citizenship 4.2.7 The agricultural frontier: a new form of internal colonization 4.2.8 Current expressions of external colonization 13 14 14 5 16 16 18 22 22 23 25 26 28 29 31 The Current Situation: Manifestations of ethnic discrimination against Indigenous Peoples and Afro-descendent
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Ptlls Level 3 - 11404 Words
ASSESSMENT 1 a. Explain what your actual or perceived role, responsibilities and boundaries are as a teacher in terms of the teaching cycle. Why are these necessary? b. Identify the legislative requirements and codes of practice that directly impact on your teaching. c. Identify the legislative requirements and codes of practice that directly impact on your learning environment. ANSWERS 1.1. â⬠¢ Explain what your actual or perceived role, responsibilities and boundaries are as a teacher in terms of the teaching/training cycle. I intend to continue to be a trainer in management and in the security sector. The role, responsibilities and boundaries of a trainer are ever changing andâ⬠¦show more contentâ⬠¦Overall, this information would help me to plan my content and delivery strategies. These have some advantages: i. Understanding the learners learning styles can make my course to be engaging. Flemming (1987) noted three different styles of learning; visual, kinaesthetic and aural. In order to know which method(s) to use to benefit my students the first lesson on my course will centre around discussions on what they already know, the resources they are familiar with, and a learning style questionnaire which will provide me with information on preferred learning styles. Effectiveness can also be enhanced if I adapt my teaching style to give maximum benefit to learners. ii. Another important factor I must consider when identifying the needs of my learners is their learning process. A commonly used theory of learning process is that of Kolb (1984) who describes four different stages of the learning process as; Concrete experience, observation and reflection, abstract conceptualisation, and active experimentation. This theory particularly gained insight into the fact that greater understanding is achieved by learners when different and appropriate means are deployed to teach the same concept.Show MoreRelatedPtlls Level 3 Assignment1452 Words à |à 6 PagesAssignment 2. Write a concise summary (approximately 1ââ¬â¢200 words) to demonstrate your understanding of your role and responsibilities as a teacher in relation to: ï⠧ Your responsibilities and those of others who have an effect on your work. ï⠧ Legislation ââ¬â how might it impact on your area and context of teaching. ï⠧ Equality, diversity and inclusion ââ¬â in what ways can you integrate these principles into your teaching. ï⠧ Internal and external assessment requirements- what requirementsRead MoreEssay on reflection697 Words à |à 3 PagesLevel 3 Award in Preparing to Teach in the Lifelong Learning Sector ( PTLLS )(6302) REFLECTING LEARNING JOURNAL UNIT 001 The purpose of this essay is to reflect upon an aspect on my role and responsabilities as a teacher in lifelong learning ,responsability for maintaining a safe and supportive learning environment (PTLLS 6302/LD Academy /Barchester/page 4 }For the purpose of reflection the essay shall be written in the first person.I decided to use Johnââ¬â¢s(Read MoreImproving Own Practice (Dtlls)856 Words à |à 4 PagesDTLLS Module 2 Task 3 Improving Own Practice Sharon Baker In order to improve our own practice as a teacher, lesson planner and a professional in a teaching organisation working with others, it is important that we take account of feedback from various sources and evaluate our own performance on a regular basis. As Wilson, suggests: ââ¬Ërecognition that your performance can be improved is accepting that whatever does (or does not) happen in the classroom is in the hands of the teacherââ¬â¢ (2009Read MorePTLLS Overview1077 Words à |à 5 Pagesï » ¿Preparing to Teach in the Lifelong Learning Sector (PTLLS) at Level 4. Preparing to Teach in the Lifelong Learning Sector (PTLLS) at Level 4 Total credit value (at Level 4) 12 Total GLH 4 x units (each @ 12 GLHs) = 48 Units being run and assessed: Group Unit title Level Credit value GLH A Roles and responsibilities and relationships in lifelong learning 4 3 12 Learning outcomes: The learner will Assessment Criteria: The learner can 1. Understand own role and responsibilities in lifelong learningRead MoreEducation and Lifelong Learning1329 Words à |à 6 PagesCity and Guilds 6302 Award in Preparing to Teach in the Lifelong Learning Sector Unit 001 Roles, Responsibilities and Relationships in Lifelong Learning Assessment Task 1 By Contents Task 1 Assignment Page 3 References Page 7 1. Understand own role and responsibilities in the lifelong learning. (1.1) Having been requested to produce a brief on my roles in teaching and professional values whist teaching in this role. I have to deal with variety of personnelRead MorePTLLS Unit 012 Principles of Assessment in Lifelong Learning1266 Words à |à 6 Pagesï » ¿ PTLLS Unit 012 Principles of Assessment in Lifelong Learning Produce 1 Written Rationale of 1000 words for all areas of research in 1 to 3. 1.1 Analyse how types of assessment are used in lifelong learning: ââ¬Å"Assessments should be a regular process; it might not always be formalised, but you should be observing what your learners are doing, asking questions and reviewing their progress throughout their time with youâ⬠.à Gravells A. Page 113.à Assessments are used to track notRead MorePtlls Unit 0013426 Words à |à 14 Pagesrequirements and codes of practice relevant to your own context Teaching in the lifelong learning sector If you are reading this book we expect that you are preparing to teach in the lifelong learning sector and may well be interested in gaining the PTLLS Award. So what does this lifelong learning sector look like? It is a sector that covers all publicly funded post-16 education outside universities; this takes place in a wide range of institutions including Further Education (FE) colleges, adultRead MoreDFA7130 Teaching, Learning and Assessment. Essay2888 Words à |à 12 Pagesembedding language, literacy, numeracy (and where relevant) ICT skills in the learning sessions. â⬠¢ How you are using assessment to support learning and encourage learners to progress according to potential. Section 3 â⬠¢ References Glossary of terms PTLLS Preparing to Teach in the Lifelong Learning Sector AVA Assessing Vocational Achievement ICT Information, Communication, Technology SOW Scheme of Work SP Session Plan CG City and Guilds Read MoreA Brief Note On Numeracy And Maths Specialists3358 Words à |à 14 Pagesothers will use it as an example. Due to the passion I have for teaching, I had always sought opportunity to enrol to a course like this but have never found one. I came across PGCE Numeracy and Maths Specialists in December 2014 when I was taking the PTLLS course. I have studied maths and maths related courses throughout my studies, but did not understand the essence until when I worked with people who had no maths or numeracy background, then I realised how hard it was for them solving basic problemsRead MoreDiscrimination and Single Equality Scheme804 Words à |à 4 PagesAppendix 1 Forms Form 2 Assessment front sheet and feedback record PTLLS Level 3 / 4 Theory/Practical T2: Summarise the key aspects of current legislative requirements Assessment No: and code of practice relevant to your subject and the type of organisation within which you would like to work. [pic] Candidate name S A Malik[pic] Enrolment number [pic] Date issued [pic] Date submitted
Role Set Analysis Free Essays
?Role Set Analysis is a method that helps people to think through what is expected of them and they could clash and cause other issues. This method helps managers to check whether or not they are using time effectively. It compares existing procedures with current priorities. We will write a custom essay sample on Role Set Analysis or any similar topic only for you Order Now By using this method it can help to show what the end objective of the job being analyzed should be. There are many advantages of using the Role Set Analysis. It is easy to apply or update, it assists managers to ask certain questions of themselves about their priorities and objectives. It can also work with a group or team to see if the activities that are being done need to be changed and lastly, it can be used for a entire department or organization to make sure they have the correct resources in the correct places. This process uses a market research approach to a particular job. The data that is collected consists of the expectations of the main individuals or groups that communicates with the person. The main question that needs to be asked is ââ¬Å"What do others expect from me? â⬠instead of ââ¬Å"What should I be doing? â⬠The first step is to accomplish is to identify what the main elements in the role set are. The next step is to combined the data and the pressures into a logical form. This is done by creating a flow chart to make it easier to review and understand. Once this is completed, the next step is to that the time and priorities that are allocated to each element in the role set is in line with what is actually needed. This can be done effectively by keeping a daily log of what their daily tasks are for a couple of days. This information can be compared with what is being reviewed for change. This information will help to ensure that the analysis that has been created is going to be effective. How to cite Role Set Analysis, Papers
Sunday, April 26, 2020
Sixties Essays - Counterculture Of The 1960s,
Sixties In 1962, Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. said his most famous words: "I have a dream." He was not the only one who felt this way. For many, the 1960s was a decade in which their dreams about America might be fulfilled. For Martin Luther King Jr., this was a dream of a truly equal America; for John F. Kennedy, it was a dream of a young vigorous nation that would put a man on the moon; and for the hippy movement, it was one of love, peace, and freedom. The 1960s was a tumultuous decade of social and political upheaval. We are still confronting many social issues that were addressed in the 1960s today. In spite of the turmoil, there were some positive results, such as the civil rights revolution. However, many outcomes were negative: student antiwar protest movements, political assassinations, and ghetto riots excited American people and resulted in a lack of respect for authority and the law. The first president during the 1960s was John F. Kennedy. He was young, appealing, and had a carefully crafted public image that barely won him the election. Because former President Eisenhower supported the Republican nominee, Richard Nixon, and because many had doubts about Kennedy's youth and Catholic religion, Kennedy only received three-tenths of one percent more of the popular vote than Nixon. The first thing Kennedy did during his brief presidency was to try to restore the nation's economy. Economic growth was slow in 1961 when Kennedy entered the White house. The President initiated a series of tariff negotiations to stimulate exports and proposed a federal tax cut to help the economy internally. John F. Kennedy was known as one of the few presidents in history who made his own personality a significant part of his presidency and a focus of national attention. Nothing illustrated this more clearly than the reaction to the tragedy of November 22, 1963. Kennedy was driving through the streets of Dallas. The streets were full of cheering people watching him drive by. The President was surrounded by loud motorcycles driven by the Secret Service. One onlooker, looking into a sixth floor window, noticed another man with a rifle. "Boy! ," he said. "You sure can't say the Secret Service isn't on the ball. Look at that guy up there in the window with a rifle" (Pett 12). That man with the rifle was not a member of the Secret Service. A fraction of a second before 12:30 p.m., John Fitzgerald Kennedy was smiling broadly. He would never smile again. The Kennedy assassination touched everyone around the world. In Canada, for example, Eaton's Company put full-page advertisements in newspapers such as The Hamilton Spectator saying, "With all Canada and the World, we share the shock and grief inflicted by the tragic death of a great statesman and a great hero" (see appendix A). Nevertheless, there was one good thing that came out of it: Lyndon B. Johnson became president. Throughout Johnson's five-year career, sweeping reforms were made in every corner of the country. First, Johnson created Medicare-- a program to provide federal aid to the elderly for medical expenses. Medicare had been debated for years in Congress, but Johnson's plan eliminated many objections. First, Medicare benefits were available to all elderly Americans, regardless of need. Second, doctors serving Medicare patients could practice privately and even charge their normal fees. Later, the Johnson Administration issued Medicaid, which gave assistance to all ages. Next, Johnson established a new cabinet agency in 1966: the Department of Housing and Urban Development. This agency, together with the newly formed Model Cities program, was invented in an effort to stop the decaying of cities and end poverty. Also, the Omnibus Housing Act gave rent supplements to the poor. Finally, Johnson created the Office for Economic Opportunity. This program led to new educational, employment, housing, and health-care developments. However, the Office for Economic Opportunity failed because there was inadequate funding and the government was more concerned with the Vietnam War. Johnson also wanted to strengthen the country's schools. First, his administration implemented the Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965, which extended aid to private and parochial schools based on the needs of the students. Also, he created the National Endowment of Arts and Humanities, and passed the Higher Education Act, which gave federally financed scholarships. Another subject that concerned the government under Lyndon B. Johnson Administration and the rest of America was Civil Rights. In 1964 Congress passed the Civil Rights Act, and in 1965 they passed the Voting Rights act. The Civil
Wednesday, March 18, 2020
Emergency Evacuation Procedures and Eco Essay Example
Emergency Evacuation Procedures and Eco Essay Example Emergency Evacuation Procedures and Eco Essay Emergency Evacuation Procedures and Eco Essay Testing and Maintenance of Emergency Evacuation Procedures ItemAction required pass/fail requirementFrequency of action Monthly6 monthly12 monthly Emergency plan INSPECT the emergency plan and check for relevancy to the facility. ? Emergency evacuation equipment INSPECT the emergency evacuation equipment and check for compliance with the emergency plan. Emergency response procedures INSPECT the emergency procedures and test for relevancy to the facility by conducting an evacuation exercise for a nominated incident covered by the emergency procedures. Training INSPECT training records and check for compliance with the emergency plan Evacuation exercise INSPECT evacuation exercise records and check for compliance with the emergency plan. ? Emergency control organization (ECO) INSPECT the ECO list and check for compliance with the emergency plan. TEST the ECO for relevance to the facility by initiating an alarm and checking the response for compliance with the emergency procedures. ? Emergency response diagrams INSPECT the emergency response diagrams for relevancy and check for compliance with the emergency plan. ? Assembly areas INSPECT the nominated assembly area(s) and test for relevance to the facility and compliance with the emergency plan Q2) Define Emergency control organization (ECO) and outline the primary roles and responsibilities of the 6 key personnel. An Emergency control organisation (ECO) is a ââ¬Ëstructured organization that will initiate an appropriate response to emergency situations. ââ¬â¢ The primary role of members of the ECO is to ensure that life safety takes precedence over asset protection. Each officer in the ECO shall have clearly defined duties and responsibilities, as follows: (a) Chief Warden on becoming aware of an emergency, the chief warden shall take the following actions: (i) Ascertain the nature of the emergency and determine appropriate action. (ii) Ensure that the appropriate emergency service has been notified. (iii) Ensure that floor or area wardens are advised of the situation. (iv) If necessary, initiate evacuation and control entry to the affected areas. (v) Ensure the progress of the evacuation and any action taken is recorded in an incident log. vi) Brief the emergency services personnel upon arrival on type, scope and location of the emergency and the status of the evacuation and, thereafter, act on the senior officerââ¬â¢s instructions. (b) Deputy chief warden The deputy chief warden shall assume the responsibilities normally carried out by the chief warden if the chief warden is unavailable, and otherwise assist as required (c) Communications officer The communications officer, on becoming aware of the emergency, shall take the following actions: (i) Ascertain the nature and location of the emergency. ii) Confirm that the appropriate emergency service has been notified. (iii) Notify appropriate ECO personnel either by the EWIS or other means. (iv) Transmit and record instructions and information between the chief warden and the floor wardens and occupants. (v) Maintain a log of the events. (vi) Act as directed by the chief warden. (d) Floor or area wardens On hearing an alarm or on becoming aware of an emergency, the floor or area wardens shall take the following actions: (i) Implement the emergency procedures for their floor or area. ii) Ensure that the appropriate emergency service has been notified. (iii) Direct wardens to check the floor or area for any abnormal situation. (iv) Commence evacuation if the circumstances on their floor or area warrant this. (v) Communicate with the chief warden by whatever means avai lable and act on instructions. (vi) Advise the chief warden as soon as possible of the circumstances and action taken. (vii) Co-opt persons as required to assist a warden during an emergency. (viii) Confirm that the activities of wardens have been completed and report this to the chief warden. e) Wardens Persons selected as wardens may be required to carry out a number of activities, including the following: (i) Act as floor or area wardens. (ii) Ensure that the appropriate emergency service has been notified. (iii) Operate the intercommunication system. (iv) Check to ensure fire doors and smoke doors are properly closed. (v) Search the floor or area to ensure all persons have evacuated. (vi) Ensure orderly flow of persons into protected areas, e. g. stairwells. (vii) Assist persons with disabilities. (viii) Act as leader of groups moving to nominated assembly areas. ix) Report to the floor or area warden on completion of required activities. Q3) Using data from the relevant Austra lian Standard as a guide, describe the procedure used to pressure test a delivery lay flat fire hose. (a) Lay the hose out straight on a flat clean surface. (b) Mark the hose/coupling joints so that any movement between the two will be obvious. (c) Fasten the hose ends, to limit movement in the event of rupture. (d) Charge the hose with water to a nominal pressure of 500 kPa, taking care to vent all air. e) Increase the pressure gradually, over a period of not less than 20 s and not more than 2 min, until the required maximum working pressure is reached. (f) Maintain the maximum working pressure for a period of not less than 3 min, while the hose is examined for defects. Bibliography AS 3745 Emergency control organization and procedures for buildings, structures and workplaces AS/NZS 3003:2003 Electrical installations ââ¬â Patient areas of hospitals, medical and dental practices and dialyzing locations AS 1851. 9- 1997 Maintenance of fire protection Equipment Part 9: Delivery la y flat fire hose
Monday, March 2, 2020
Use of Trademark Names in Fiction
Use of Trademark Names in Fiction Use of Trademark Names in Fiction Use of Trademark Names in Fiction By Mark Nichol A couple of years ago, a site visitor asked about the necessity of obtaining permission to refer to trademarked products by name in fiction. Hereââ¬â¢s the specific query: How is copyright dealt with in fiction writing? For example, if I sell a story where I wrote that a character jogged to Burger King in his new Reeboks, would there be copyright infringement? Do I need to get approval from the holders of the copyright to use their names in my stories? And, how would I go about doing that? How do I find out what is copyright protected and what isnââ¬â¢t? And here, better late than never, is the response: Fortunately for the multitudes of authors who write fiction (and the innumerable publishing companies that print their books), writers are free, for the most part, to include trademarked names in their stories. The passage in question is especially innocuous, because the references to Burger King and Reeboks are benign: Nobody in the novel dies from eating a Whopper, and no character is fatally run over in traffic because his running shoes are defective. But even if the author had implicated one of these brands in someoneââ¬â¢s death, legal retribution would be unlikely; the sheer volume of media overwhelms any one corporationââ¬â¢s efforts to monitor for and suppress defamatory references to their products. But risk is relative: If a writer with the stature of, say, J.K. Rowling had resorted to the plot device of a deadly hamburger or a dangerous pair of running shoes, her publisher would likely be sent a cease-and-desist letter. This terse request from the trademark owner would call on the publishing company to refrain from associating the companyââ¬â¢s delicious and nutritious WhopperR brand beef-patty sandwiches or light but sturdy and comfortable ReeboksR brand athletic shoes with anyoneââ¬â¢s death. (Side note: The registered trademark symbol is never required; in commercial publications, it is often inserted to imbue oneââ¬â¢s products with a protective aura or to refer to those of others, as a courtesy, to encourage reciprocity.) To avoid such a consequence, an astute editor would likely request that Ms. Rowling excise such libelous references before submitting the final manuscript, thus avoiding the arrival of a letter referring to ââ¬Å"possible recourse to further legal options to protect our valuable intellectual property rights.â⬠But your editor would likely do the same, perhaps suggesting that instead, you call the fast food franchise Hamburger Prince or the shoes Teezoks. Interestingly, assigning closely similar names, or describing companies or products that resemble real ones but are not named in their honor (or, often, dishonor), is fair play. Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Fiction Writing category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:7 Examples of Passive Voice (And How To Fix Them)Latin Words and Expressions: All You Need to Know35 Synonyms for Rain and Snow
Saturday, February 15, 2020
What is the heart of Catholicism Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words - 1
What is the heart of Catholicism - Essay Example For salvation and redemption, people need to gather around the bishop since he is the true descendant of God and, therefore, of Jesus. In Catholicism, this institutional approach to belief and the importance of communion with the Holy See through a religious medium like church or other religious authority are essentially inspired by Biblical evidences and history. One of Jesusââ¬â¢ speeches supports Catholicismââ¬â¢s claim about the importance of a believerââ¬â¢s communion with the religious authority is as following: ââ¬Å"I say to you, something greater than the temple is hereâ⬠(Barron 24). Indeed in Catholicism, the ideas of ââ¬Ëtempleââ¬â¢ and ââ¬Ëbishopââ¬â¢ are the representatives of each other. In this regard, Barron says, ââ¬Å"If Jesus is, in his person, the true temple, then he should be the definitive source of teaching, healing and, forgiveness and this is just what the Gospel tells usâ⬠(Barron 24). Indeed this very basis of Christââ¬â¢s persona as the sole source salvation and redemption lies at the heart of Catholicism. Indeed, proper religious authority plays an important role in shaping the rites and rituals of Catholicism. The propriety of religious authority is often determined by sacramental evidences. While the Catholics unanimously believe in the ministration of Christ as the temple of teaching, salvation and redemption, the bishop is believed to be the true spiritual descendant of Christ himself. Therefore a bishop plays a very important role in catholic rites and rituals. For an instance, Catholic dogma asserts that the sacrament of the Lordââ¬â¢s Supper must be administered by certain qualified persons. According to the Roman Catholic Church, ââ¬Å"only a Catholic Priest ordained into the apostolic succession can administered the Eucharistâ⬠(Erickson 1122). Erickson further says in this regard, ââ¬Å"If any other person should take the same physical elements and pronounce the same words over them, they would remain bread and
Sunday, February 2, 2020
Is Managed Care the solution to controlling Medicare costs or would Term Paper
Is Managed Care the solution to controlling Medicare costs or would this lead to limitations on the care that older Americans ca - Term Paper Example The solution that is being proposed in order to control the rising costs of Medicare is Managed Care. This is a controversial and questionable move due to the huge difference in the way that Medicare and Managed Care handle their members. Managed Care is described as a program that (The Basics of Managed Care, 1994), "1. ...refers, in general, to efforts to coordinate, rationalize, and channel the use of services to achieve desired access, service, and outcomes while controlling costs. 2. Risk-based managed care describes care from organizations that provide or contract to provide health care in broad/specified areas for a defined population for a fixed, prepaid price [where the managed care organizations (MCOs) are at financial risk to deliver the services for the fixed price]. Managed care organizations use various strategies to control costs. " Managed Care in theory sounds like a good thing. However, looking deeper into the way the program works shows that it will only increase t he cost of healthcare for most senior citizens because the program the program concentrates on preventive services and patient education in order to cut costs. There lies the problem with Managed Healthcare. How exactly to the proponents of this program expect this program to cut Medicare costs when it only rewards the patient for being and remaining healthy? There is no senior citizen on this planet who does not need some sort of current medical care for a preexisting or currently existing condition. So how exactly can this particular program cut the costs of Medicare for senior patients? The simple answer is that it can't. Medicare is necessary for retired citizens who cannot afford to pay for regular insurance coverage. They are of that age wherein illness is a common part of their lives and finding solutions or palliative care is already a norm, not an exemption. Once Medicare for the patient is placed under a Managed Care program, then Medicare will start to discourage people f rom seeking medical care unless it is absolutely necessary. But who is to say what is medically necessary for a patient and what is not? Senior citizens are understood to no longer be in the pink of health. They need medical attention most of the time. They may be willing to keep themselves healthy but their body may just not be able to cope. Managed Care will instead punish them for being sickly. These people will be limited to packaged medical services that may or may not cover their medical needs. Whatever happens, there will be a severe cost out of pocket for the patient. (Basics of Managed Care, 1994). According to Dr. Dudley Adams (2001), there is this preconceived notion that since Managed Care prepays for healthcare, then the quality of healthcare would improve. Mainly because services would concentrate more on preventing illness rather than treating it. However, there is no solid evidence that such a move would actually benefit Medicare patients who may already be under som e sort of medical care at the time that their Managed Care coverage takes effect. A closer look at the healthcare system in place for older Americans shows that the system is more fragmented than ever before. There is also a loss of the actual mission and vision of Medicare. Medicare was set up with the mandate to help out senior
Saturday, January 25, 2020
Chatting, Online Communities, and Cyber-Rape :: Personal Response Chat Message Essays
Chatting, Online Communities, and Cyber-Rape What is an online community? An online community is a computer location where people can go to access information or to get an answer to a question that they might have. Examples of online communities are chat rooms and discussion boards. Chatting, posting, and responding to different things on the internet are some of my favorite activities. With just a click of a button, I am able to access any topic, from the weather forecast to the score of yesterdayââ¬â¢s football game. Online communities are fun and interesting. However, some people find them addictive and harmful. My membership in an online community showed me the necessity for self-discipline so that I could enjoy the benefits of this experience without risking psychological damage. On Thursday, October 3, 2002, through Monday October 7, 2002, I performed a 5-day project that enabled me to search for an online community, become a member, observe what was going on, and respond to the community. I searched everywhere looking for a community that satisfied my interests, but I could not find one. I finally logged on to . This is a website that gives people all kinds of information, whether it is about news or music issues. While surfing this site, I found out that it had discussion boards and chat rooms. I logged on as a guest, and then I looked around the site to see if this was the community for me. I browsed through many of the discussion boards offered, but I did not post any messages because I was just observing what was going on. While observing, I read different responses people had posted on particular topics. The language that they were using was plains and simple often consisting of incomplete sentences. The messages that I read were mainly about music. Since listening to music is another one of my favorite hobbies, I felt that joining a message board pertaining to music would give me better insights into favorite choices of music. The people who logged onto this website seemed cool and easy to talk to. They were of all ages, ranging from teens to adults. They also were from varied ethnic backgrounds and lived in places all over the country.
Thursday, January 16, 2020
Bell 492
Studentââ¬â¢s Name: Muhammad Iman bin Shafie Patt Faculty / Group: Faculty of Architecture, Planning and Surveying / 5A Lecturerââ¬â¢s Name: Associate Profesor Puan Noreha Taib Title: THE POWER OF POSITIVE THINKING Order: Topical Order General Purpose: To inform Specific Purpose : To inform my audience about the important of positive thinking in our life. Central Point : A positive mind anticipates happiness, joy, health and a successful result. Introduction I. Did you know that, three letters can determine your lifeââ¬â¢s direction? Its sounds interesting right?I also impressed with the statement of an article. First time I read this statement I feel that I should improve myself starting today. II. I remembered the situation last year where I got a job interview with my friend. Two days before I went to the interview, my friend are not willing to go because he believed that the other applicants were better and more qualified than him. His mind was filled with fears concerni ng the job and he was sure he would be rejected. His overall behaviour made a bad impression, and consequently he materialized his fear and did not get the job but fortunately, I get the job.But how this kind of thing can be happen? Today I would talk to you about how to be a positive thinker, the characteristics of positive thinker and benefits of positive thinking. (Transition : Letââ¬â¢s start by looking the way to be a positive thinker. ) Body I. The way to be a positive thinker A. Motivate Yourself 1. Anytime, anyway and everywhere. 2. Being productive will help you build self-confidence and make you feel better about yourself. B. Leave the Past Behind 1. Remember past successes and leave past failures behind 2. When you focus on your successes, you boast your self-confidence.When you focus on past failures you belittle yourself and make yourself feel inadequate C. Make Positive Thinking a Habit 1. Start each day and each new effort by reminding yourself how truly great you are 2. Taking the time every day to focus on all the positive things in your life (Transition : I know you can do it because if you do so, you can have your own identity. Here I tell you. ) II. There are a few character that we shall know he / she is a positive thinker. A. Try to be an optimist person 1. A person disposed to take a favourable view of things. 2.There prefer to think before made a mind decision about something. 3. See the best in things and expect a successful conclusion. B. People have a better health and always look happy 1. Practice a better life style and prefer to do something that give a benefits to them. 2. Have a better communication with people that create a harmony society. C. Resistant to stress and less prone to depression 1. Looks cool and steady in various condition. 2. Creative in problems solving. (Transition : Now you know who is a negative or positive thinker, letââ¬â¢s look at the benefits that positive thinker will get. ) III.A lot of benefits i f we practice positive thinking. A. Brings strength, energy and initiative. 1. Positive thinking brings more energy, more initiative and more happiness. 2. It makes you more relax and ability to make a good decision B. Clear thoughts produce clear results 1. If we practice to be a good and positive thinker, we will get what we had think 2. Chinese proverb : The person who says it cannot be done should not interrupt the person doing it Conclusion I. As we have seen, there are important for us to practice the positive thinking in our lifestyle because there are benefits waiting for us.II. Fortunately, we can be a positive thinker by practice a simple way in our daily life. III. I can be a positive thinker and I believe you too. IV. Now I get the answer why I can get the job and I hope more lucky for me in the future.Bibliography Internet Sources Awaken The Wisdom And Power Within You. ââ¬Å"Quotes on Positive Thinkingâ⬠. (01 Okt, 2012) Retrieved 16 Okt 2012 from http://www. succ essconsciousness. com Awaken The Wisdom And Power Within You. ââ¬Å"The Power of Positive Thinkingâ⬠. (29 Sept, 2012) Retrieved 16 Okt 2012 from http://www. successconsciousness. com
Wednesday, January 8, 2020
Binary Opposition In Euripides - 1203 Words
Binary Opposition in the Works of Euripides Binary opposition, as defined by Corey Marvin ââ¬Å"simply describes a pair of theoretical opposites or thematic contrasts.â⬠Euripides uses binary opposition as an effective literary device in both the Medea and the Bacchae. One of the overarching dichotomies in both works is masculinity versus femininity. In the Medea, the protagonist flips the gender roles, and in the Bacchae, Dionysusââ¬â¢ androgynous nature allows him to often adopt a feminine persona in the play. Many binary oppositions are encompassed in that of masculinity versus femininity, a few of which are aggressiveness versus docility, intelligence versus ignorance, and the understandable versus the mysterious. Medea exhibits typicalâ⬠¦show more contentâ⬠¦These women, who are typically docile and reserved are the complete opposite while worshiping Dionysus. They dance, make music and even hunt and kill animals with their bare hands, (Bacchae 736-737). . it is the Bacchae who kill Pentheus, dismissing forever the idea that they are purely domestic. As the messenger relays, ââ¬Å"[a]ll the women, with blood spattered hands, were playing ball with Pentheusââ¬â¢ fleshâ⬠(1135). In the Medea, the dichotomy of intelligence versus ignorance is shown when the protagonists cunning is severely underestimated by all those around her. Jason believes that she is foolish for carrying on as she does; he says, ââ¬Å"[y]ou women have come to such a point to think, if things go right in bed, you have everything,â⬠(569-570) but he misses that she is angry about her station in life and intends to change it. As Shirley A Barlow explains in ââ¬Å"Stereotype and Reversal in the Medea,â⬠The protagonist is ââ¬Å"aware of more than the fact that she suffers and injustice. She is aware that the root cause is beyond herself.â⬠(Barlow 160). Creon seems to glimpse what she is capable of when he tells her that he fears her (282), but he s till allows her to stay in Corinth for one more day, (355-6) proving that he is ignorant after all. Medea is far more clever than the men around her and she knows how to manipulate them. When she appeals to Creon (340) and laterShow MoreRelatedAnalysis Of Medea And The Bacchae 1325 Words à |à 6 PagesIn Euripidesââ¬â¢ plays, Medea and The Bacchae, binary oppositions are present, such as the opposition between man and god, foreigner and citizen, and men and women. Binary oppositions are opposing terms that are put head to head in a piece of literature to show contrasting ideas (Marvin, 1). Binary oppositions can also be ââ¬Å"good vs. bad,â⬠such as in the case of man and god. The first binary opposition that is present in both plays is man and god. Marvin describes binary oppositions as being againstRead MoreComparison Between The Bacchae and The Medea1010 Words à |à 5 Pages In Euripidesââ¬â¢ The Bacchae and in the Medea, there are significant binary oppositions in both plays. Binary opposition is the two opposite terms, such as good versus bad. Binary opposition is used to present both sides of a contrast (Marvin, 1). In The Bacchae and the Medea, Euripides used binary opposition to highlight the central themes. The significant binary oppositions that are used are men versus women, foreigner versus citizen, and god versus man. The contrast betweenRead More Binary Oppisition Essay1035 Words à |à 5 PagesBinary Opposition In Greek tragedy there are many themes that are contrasted with each other. This is known as binary opposition, which s defined as a contrast of themes that are the opposite poles of each other. There are many conflicts in Euripidesââ¬â¢ Medea and Bacchae: perhaps the three most conspicuous oppositions are rational versus irrational, foreigner versus natives, and stereotypical dichotomy of female and male. The first binary opposite in Euripides plays are rational versus irrationalRead MoreBinary Oppositions Vs. Evil1190 Words à |à 5 Pagessee a connection between characters, plots, themes? One thing you might not have noticed is binary oppositions. Now all readers will see some universal oppositions such as good vs. evil, but as Corey Martin said in his paper there are many oppositions in literature, some are noticeable, some are not. Now why would a reader want to look for binary oppositions in literature? Quite simply binary oppositions add some familiarity to the work, but at the same time the reader has to analyze the work inRead MoreThematic Antithesis in Greek Tragedies Essay1358 Words à |à 6 PagesThematic Antithesis in Greek Tragedies The binary oppositions in Euripides plays, Medea and Bacchae, emphasize the structural techniques seen throughout both of the plays works are ââ¬Å"[described as] a pair of theoretical opposites or thematic contrastsâ⬠(Marvin 1). The themes are highly symmetrical throughout and typical of the structure of Greek tragedies. Euripides use of thematic antithesis gives greater irony within Greek plays. The gender roles of female and male challenge the traditional stereotypicalRead MoreConflict Between Male And Female Characters2154 Words à |à 9 Pagespromote the very ideology of difference they expose as arbitrary.ââ¬â¢ (B. Freedman) In both tragedy and comedy, conflict between male and female characters can often be found at the crux of the theatrical narrative. In plays that present on-stage opposition between men and women, it can be perceived that a typical set narrative structure is followed: the actions performed by male characters incite women to castoff the role of passivity and impose their presence on stage . As a result of lapsing intoRead MoreAnalysis Of Macbeth And Medea Essay1331 Words à |à 6 Pagesthe error in the way we think, our self-awareness, which is our greatest blessing, is also our downfall.â⬠In this particular quotation, Beck explores the bias of the human psyche and its ability to favor personal hankerings over logic and morale. ââ¬Å"Euripides introduced psychological realism into ancient Greek drama through characters like Medea, whose motives are confused, complex, and ultimately driven by passionâ⬠(Galens and Spampinato para. 1). This one-sided battle of wills is portrayed throughout
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